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Back in Lockdown... Daily Artworks

We are back in lockdown and the world seems flat - with relationships, work and play all delivered on the screen. We resent the devices and dread the next session on Zoom as our bodies have become redundant and restless. We embrace uncertainty at work, optimistically organising exhibitions, installations and festivals whilst simultaneously starting new, contingency projects to deliver programs online, looking for innovative ways to support the arts and engage audiences amidst a storm of digital content that screams for our attention. When what we really we crave is whole, three dimensional and sensory. Once a day we take our 60 minute walk and gulp the air, inhaling the scent of spring, soaking up the luminous hues of wattle, daffodils and blossoms and focus our attention on gratitude - thankful for our nature parks and our health. Thankful for the extra time with our families and our pets, and thankful we live in such an incredibly beautiful city with a strong and generous community, and an effective local government that is keeping us safe and has made a commitment to wellbeing and climate repair.

As part of my lockdown routine, each day i create a new artwork inspired by the days preoccupations and my daily walks. I explore colour , shape and symbolism as a therapeutic mindful activity.

Selected works are now available as Aluminium prints for preorder on my website at:

Jodie Cunningham, Lockdown Musings 2021, Aluminium Prints 20cm x 20cm